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Section 2.10 : The Definition of the Limit

3. Use the definition of the limit to prove the following limit.


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First, let’s just write out what we need to show.

Let ε>0 be any number. We need to find a number δ>0 so that,

|x24|<εwhenever0<|x2|<δ Show Step 2

Let’s start with a little simplification of the first inequality.


We have the |x2| we expect to see but we also have an |x+2| that we’ll need to deal with.

Show Step 3

To deal with the |x+2| let’s first assume that


As we noted in a similar example in the notes for this section this is a legitimate assumption because the limit is x2 and so x’s will be getting very close to 2. Therefore, provided x is close enough to 2 we will have |x2|<1.

Starting with this assumption we get that,


If we now add 2 to all parts of this inequality we get,


Noticing that 3 > 0 we can see that we then also know that x+2>0 and so provided |x2|<1 we will have x+2=|x+2|.

All this means is that, provided |x2|<1, we will also have,


This in turn means that we have,

|x+2||x2|<5|x2|because |x+2|<5

Therefore, if we were to further assume, for some reason, that we wanted 5|x2|<ε this would tell us that,

|x2|<ε5 Show Step 4

Okay, even though it doesn’t seem like it we actually have enough to make a choice for δ.

Given any number ε>0 let’s chose


Again, this means that δwill be the smaller of the two values which in turn means that,


Now assume that 0<|x2|<δ=min{1,ε5}.

Show Step 5

So, let’s see if this works.

Given the assumption 0<|x2|<δ=min{1,ε5} we know two things. First, we know that |x2|<ε5 . Second, we also know that |x2|<1 which in turn implies that |x+2|<5 as we saw in Step 3.

Now, let’s do the following,

|x24|=|x+2||x2|factoring<5|x2|because we know |x+2|<5<5(ε5)because we know |x2|<ε5=ε

So, we’ve shown that,


and so by the definition of the limit we have just proved that,
