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Paul's Online Notes
Paul's Online Notes
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This site and the notes contained in this site were written with the intent of providing students and instructors with a free set of notes that they could use for their classes. The original impetus for this site was the skyrocketing price of textbooks. So, when I set up this site I had hoped that those using the site would adhere to the spirit with which I had created the site.

Unfortunately, I have found that there are always those that will abuse anything if they think they can get away with it and/or for a quick bit of cash. Within the first year of setting this site up I have found people hosting pages, or portions of pages, and/or the pdf downloads from this site on their web server without any acknowledgement of where they originated and in some instances had claimed to have actually authored the material.

So, I find that I have no choice but to set up these terms and conditions for the use of this site and to restrict in some ways the usage of the material contained in this site. These terms and conditions are not intended to harm anyone in any way. They are here so I can protect my rights and work from those that would abuse it and/or use it contrary to the use for which it was intended.

  1. This site and all the content within this site, unless otherwise noted, is the copyrighted property of Paul Dawkins and is not to be considered to be in the public domain. This site and all the content within this site, unless otherwise noted, is subject to the following terms and conditions.

  2. By accessing any page of this site other than the Terms and Conditions of Use page and http://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/index.aspx you are acknowledging that you have read, understood and are agreeing to abide by these Terms and Conditions of Use. Violators of these Terms and Conditions of Use can and will be prosecuted under the appropriate governing laws.

  3. Any use of this site or any of the content of this site that is inconsistent with these terms and conditions is strictly prohibited.

  4. Any information or links to other sites and/or products is provided as a convenience. Paul Dawkins has no affiliation with these sites and/or products. Paul Dawkins makes no guarantees or warranties in regards to these sites and/or products. If you choose to access or use any of these sites and/or products you assume full liability for their use.

You May
  1. You may print content from this site for your private, non-commercial use.

  2. You may and are encouraged to link to this site, pages in this site, or pdf downloads from this site. However, you may not display content from this site framed within your site or any other site. In other words, any links must open in a new window or on top of the page containing the link.

  3. You may use content from this site as the "text" or supplement to your text for your course provided
    1. you retain all copyright and proprietary notices contained in the original materials,
    2. you do not claim (either explicitly or implied) any content from this site as your own work,
    3. you do not in any way profit from the use of the content from this web site as your "text" or supplement outside of the salary that you would receive regardless of the text or supplement that you choose to use,
    4. students are not required to pay for any content that originated from this site,
    5. students are not required to pay for any text or supplement that contains content from this site outside of links to the original content on my web server and
    6. you notify me of your intent to use content from this web site as your "text" or supplement. Notification should include
      1. Your Name
      2. Your college/university/institution/organization
      3. The material you'll be using as your "text" or supplement
      4. The approximate number of students who will be using the material as their "text" or supplement.

  4. You may print or burn to a CD/DVD/Flash Drive (or similar storage medium) the content from this site for distribution provided
    1. you retain all copyright and proprietary notices contained in the original materials,
    2. you do not claim this content as your own work,
    3. you include the URL to this site (http://tutorial.math.lamar.edu) in the distributed content,
    4. you do not in any way profit from the distribution,
    5. it is distributed at no cost to the recipient, with the exception of cost of the materials (i.e. the paper, CD, DVD, Flash Drive etc.), and
    6. you notify me of your intent to use distribute content from this site. Notification should include
      1. Your Name
      2. Your college/university/institution/organization
      3. The material you'll be distributing
      4. The approximate number of people you will be distributing the material to (if known).

  5. You may retain a copy of the content of this site for your private, non-commercial use provided you retain all copyright and proprietary notices contained in the original materials.

You May Not
  1. You may not in any manner claim an endorsement of, affiliation with or connection to this site or Paul Dawkins without the express written consent of Paul Dawkins.

  2. You may not in any manner claim authorship (in part or in whole) of any of the content on this site.

  3. You may not in any way claim ownership (in part or in whole) of any of the content on this site.

  4. The content from this site may not be incorporated into any other product without the express written consent of Paul Dawkins.

  5. You may not sell or profit from the sale of any portion of this site, of any content from this site, of this sites name, or links to this site without the express written consent of Paul Dawkins.

  6. You may not display, use, reproduce, distribute or otherwise use any content from this site for any commercial purpose without the express written consent of Paul Dawkins.

  7. The content on this site may not be downloaded, uploaded, imported, mirrored, burned, framed, or in any way electronically stored for inclusion in a web site, web server, ftp server, or any other networked computer without the express written consent of Paul Dawkins.

  8. And if the above isn't clear. You are prohibited from including any content from this site, outside of links to the original material on my web server, in a web site, on a web server, on an ftp server or any other networked computer without the express written consent of Paul Dawkins.

  9. You may not present this site or any of the content of this site as lecture notes authored by you nor may you use this site or any of the content of this site as proof of your ability as an online teacher in any way.

  10. You may not modify the content of this site in any way with the exception of the following material listed below. You may modify the material listed below to suit your needs provided you include a reference to the original version as well as the URL of the original version. The material that may be modified according to these terms and the reference URL's are,
    1. Algebra Cheat Sheet (both full and reduced version).
    2. Trig Cheat Sheet (both full and reduced version).
    3. Common Derivatives and Integrals Table (both full and reduced version).
    4. Laplace Transform Table.
    5. Common Math Errors.
    6. How To Study Math.
Warranty and Liability Disclaimer
  1. The content of this site is provided "as is" and your use of this content is without guarantee or warranty (either expressed or implied) including, but not limited to, successful course completion, and/or course grade.

  2. Paul Dawkins assumes no liability (either direct or consequential) which may result from your use of this site or any of the content contained in this site.