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Section 2.10 : The Definition of the Limit

5. Use the definition of the limit to prove the following limit.


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First, let’s just write out what we need to show.

Let M>0M>0 be any number. We need to find a number δ>0δ>0 so that,

1(x1)2>Mwhenever0<|x1|<δ1(x1)2>Mwhenever0<|x1|<δ Show Step 2

Let’s do a little rewrite the first inequality above a little bit.


From this it looks like we can choose δ=1Mδ=1M.

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So, let’s see if this works.

We’ll start by assuming that M>0M>0 is any number and chose δ=1Mδ=1M. We can now assume that,


So, if we start with the second inequality we get,

|x1|<1M|x1|2<1Msquaring both sides(x1)2<1Mbecause |x1|2=(x1)21(x1)2>M rewriting things a little bit|x1|<1M|x1|2<1Msquaring both sides(x1)2<1Mbecause |x1|2=(x1)21(x1)2>M rewriting things a little bit

So, we’ve shown that,


and so by the definition of the limit we have just proved that,
