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Home / Calculus III / Partial Derivatives / Limits
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Section 13.1 : Limits

3. Evaluate the following limit.


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Okay, with this problem we can see that, if we plug in the point, we get zero in the numerator and the denominator. Unlike the second problem above however there is no factoring that can be done to make this into a “doable” limit.

Therefore, we will proceed with the problem as if the limit doesn’t exist.

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So, since we’ve made the assumption that the limit probably doesn’t exist that means we need to find two different paths upon which the limit has different values.

There are many different paths to try but let’s start this off with the x-axis (i.e. y=0).

Along this path we get,

lim(x,y)(0,0)x4y6y+7x=lim(x,0)(0,0)x7x=lim(x,0)(0,0)17=17 Show Step 3

Now let’s try the y-axis (i.e. x=0) and see what we get.

lim(x,y)(0,0)x4y6y+7x=lim(0,y)(0,0)4y6y=lim(0,y)(0,0)23=23 Show Step 4

So, we have two different paths that give different values of the limit and so we now know that this limit does not exist.